⛔️ Warning ⚠️ 
May Attract Mountain Lions 🦁 

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ”¬Tried working on this project "for the claws" Christmas Eve Β night while I was in Yosemite at an airbnb called "Oaks and Acorn". Pretty much on top of a mountain in mariposa California. After everyone went to sleep I went outside to do a" J" πŸπŸ˜‰πŸ§¬πŸ₯΄πŸ’¨..
Was truly admiring the remoteness and panoramic view of the valley from on top the small mountain.. the mood suddenly changed, Β I herd a noise and started feeling like something was watching me. I had one more exhale 🌬 through the cloud of smoke, Thought I saw something duck down behind a hill or rock about 10-20 meters away. Close enough to see a face.. It looked like a pumpkin πŸŽƒ with a demons face πŸ‘Ή.. I couldn't believe my eyes πŸ‘€. I must have caught it off guard, because it's face looked super surprised. I was a little freaked out being in such a remote forested area alone at night. Walked backwards into the house with my eyes on the area of movement. Decided it was just the wind and the weed.. but kind of ran a little back to the front door πŸšͺΒ 
a few minutes later came back out the front door to vape πŸ’¨ like nothing happened.. that's when I heard the landscaped non native bushes move. There was a crawling sound I've never heard before. As if something big was dragging its stomach on the ground extremely fast towards me.Β 
✨Got spooked 😳 ✨
βœ¨πŸƒπŸ½πŸ’¨went back insideπŸšͺ✨
Just the wind 🌬 I told myself..
Grabbed my computer..
Went into the garage and sat on a cooler with my back turned to a window πŸͺŸ
opened Fl studio and went to Work!Β 
🎢🎼🎡πŸ₯πŸŽΉπŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸŽ€.. Rockstar!!Β 
Laptop speakers πŸ”Š at a lvl 11 Β 
I heard something outside moving next to the glass. Then Smelled the strongest Oder of cat pee I've ever smelled in my life. So I pressed pause to listen (super high) and heard the bottom of the unlocked garage door lift!. Started to get kind of scared.. really didn't want to believe it was anything more than a house cat. A few seconds later there was a sound on the roof of the house. It was extremely cold inside the garage. I could feel my nose start to run. Freezing I went inside to use the bathroom and put on my shoes. When I looked in bathroom mirror πŸͺž I realized my nose wasn't running.. it was bleeding 🩸
Realizing it had probably been like that for awhile.. it suddenly dawned on me that I've been blowing blood scented vape clouds 🌬 out over the mountain πŸ” and into the forest. Probably even blew a hit of weed in it's face being down wind from it. Could be a reason why it had the crazy face and I was able to get a glimpse.
  The scent of blood mix with the vapor cloud ☁️ could has drawn mountain Lion Clause close.
Like when people chum for sharks..

Came in close to investigate the source..

Pokes its head up as I'm exhaling and gets consumed by a cloud Β of dank weed.


" Elon musk joint faces πŸ₯΄" then ducks out of sight.

Me(πŸ‘³πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ) with blood on my face.. scared frozen πŸ₯Ά questioning if I really just saw that. Then making a quick dash for the door activates the predatory hunting reflex.

The sounds of the Xfer Serum coming out my laptop speakers could have been interpreted as some kind of animal in distress. Maybe even a matting call! Depending if they were into it or not?! πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ”¬ πŸ“ž 🦁 πŸ“² Β  Perfect recipe for a case of mistaken identity. Β 

The feeling of being watched through the windows was definitely on my mind!Β 
I'm mean dark n stormy night in a house out side Yosemite National park 🏞 
I was pretty lit πŸ”₯ though.. Β 
🐈? 🐻? 🦁? πŸ₯΄πŸ’¨?Β 
After getting cleaned up and dressed in warmer clothes I decided it would be a good idea to roll another "J" go back outside smoke it/vape thennn figure out how to work the drone I got my daughter.

✨House Cat 🐈 at the hill side window πŸͺŸΒ 
There was a small tan colored cat at the window..
This was kind of reassuring that it wasn't something bigger.. phew πŸ˜…Β 
I knew I was just being scared and there wasn't anything to fear..Β 
so I went back outside..
Lit itΒ 
Crouched down to put it out and maybe pet the catΒ 
That's when I heard the bushes move behind me..

The sound of water droplets πŸ’¦ falling from low hanging branches was unmistakable.
Immediately I straightened back up to face the pine tree behind me..Β 
..vape 🌬  cloud ..
Then footsteps..??
It sounded like Something big was on the other side of the treeΒ 
🌲 Β πŸͺ΄ and bushesΒ 
It had been 🌧 raining so the ground was wetter than usual. 
I heard the sound of damp pine needles being pressed into the ground.Β 
This time it was only a few feet away from me..
Mechanical footwork slowly making its way towards me between the rain drops β˜”οΈ
Heavy, but softer sounding.. very little sound at all really. Β 
The decorative lights on the property were on a timer ⏲ so there was no other light than inside the house. 
I stared into the darkness. Reaching behind me slowly started opening the sliding glass door.Β 

Experts say, if you think you're being stalked by a mountain lion 🦁 always remain facing towards it. Never run and slowly back up. 
I opened the door and walked backwards into the house 🏠 . 
Then closed the door as fast as I could.Β 

Loaded a "how to"video on YouTube.. fiddled with the drone for awhile.. then walked into the garage to hear the you tube video.
It was like 2am.. no one wants to hear you tube vids at 2am except for the person watching it..
The volume on my phone was all the way up πŸ’₯πŸ“£
It kind of scared me.. it also scared what ever was on the roof. Because the sound of giant Claws running off the roof immediately followed!Β 
The sound of a heavy creature shook the walls as it ran on top of the roof!Β 
This is when I panickedπŸ˜±πŸ™€
Ran back into the house and Locked all the doors πŸšͺΒ 
Terrified decided it would be best not to go back outside.. figure out how to operate the drone.. then sleep on the couch.. so if anything came into the house I would be able to fight it off. (Or eat me first)Β 
Christmas morning came. Right as the sun came over the mountain ⛅️ Β πŸ” I got dressed and went outside.Β 
All around the house were giant 🐾 paw prints and matted down bushes leading from the hills behind the house to the roof! Grabbed a fallen branch from a tree for protection and went back to tell everyone about it!! πŸ†˜Β 
I was 95% sure it was Mountain Lion Clause!
πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸ¦ πŸŽ„πŸŽ„
✨Needless to say that not a single person believed me✨

I'm absolutely terrified to say that I believe inΒ 
πŸŽ„Mountain lion ClauseπŸŽ„

Night Two

After a day in Yosemite and a dip In jacuzzi I was exhausted 😴 feel asleep 
Wake up after everyone else was in bed πŸ›Œ Β 
Go into the Garage to see if anything strange will happen..Β 
couple seconds later.. the pebbles on the ground outside start to make a sliding sound.. what ever it was had weight!Β 
I didn't see her, but I knew in my heart that it was mountain lion Clause coming to say goodbyeΒ 
πŸ‘‹ 🦁🦡
Goodbye my friend, I said.Β 

The sky suddenly  🌌 lit up with a single bolt of lightning β›ˆΒ 
The Booming Thunder echoed throughout the valleyΒ 
Snow ❄️ flakes began to fall from the skyΒ 
And she or he was gone..Β 
πŸ¦πŸ’” I'll eat your heart out!!!Β 
πŸ‘³πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ: girl don't run away!!


Side note hypothesis Β πŸ“Β 

I have this crazy theory about the involvement of the tan cat and mountain lion Clause.. 🐈
Just some crazy pipe dream idea, but what if mountain lion Clause has some how adopted the cat as a cub and is using the hill as a nursery for what it thinks is a cub. Except it's a tan colored house cat 🐈 that never grows any larger. The what would be adopted mother "mountain lion Clause" is stuck in a instinct based paternal phase of nurturing for what it thinks is it's cub..
Without a chance to grow out of this protective phase it has become trapped in it's own mind. With the same instinctual duty to provide for its young. House cats live up to 20 years or older.
Year after year what would be a seasonal phase of growth lasting a few months is now the baseline for day to day life with her feline Cub.Β 
Could possibly result in higher levels of aggression. Being stuck in a confused state mountain lion Clause would act instinctually. Β 
More aggression, more territorial, more hunting..

I heard When a mountain lion finds a food source it is likely to stay in the area. The cat becomes the assassins apprentice. Scoring little mice 🐭 the lioness scares out of the bushes while hunting its prey. 

Eg: πŸ‘³πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ: Santa CauseπŸŽ…πŸΎ???

If the tan cat 🐈 does have some significance. 
Multiple ideas within the same on concept could be applied. The idea of a crazed mother mountain lion only applies to females cats.Β 

This brings up another Possible πŸ“

A domesticated cat 🐈 and cub scenario.. 
this could be applied to both male and female Mountain Lion. Maybe they grew up to together and the Lion perceives it as its brother or sister. Β 

Back that with a mountain local sick of air bnb traffic coming up the windy hill.. a secret that started as an innocent attempt to rescue turned nightmare scenario. Add an element of  organized crime🀫

Food, cars!Β 
Longtime pet..


Online Entertainment..

Mystery solved.Β 
According to the man who was attacked at this location the tan cat also played a role in the story.Β 

This makes me believe that it does have some co- dependent relationship with mountain lion Clause. As well as human involvement..

Domestic house cats carry a micro organism called toxoplasmosis. It's thought that it effects the brains of mice 🐁 and rodents somehow making them lose the fear of cats. Little is known about the effects of this organism on humans and other animals. 
This too could possibly explain some of the unnatural behaviors displayed by mountain lion Clause's lack of fear towards humans.Β 
What ever the case may be..? The evidence all points towards a mountain Lion coming in close contact with humans. Unnaturally close.Β 

The moment I saw a face my mind couldn't process it.. every instinct to believe had been turned off.Β 
"I'm not seeing this right now" crossed my mindΒ 
Primal fear is the only way I can describe the experience. My body was telling me to run πŸƒπŸ½ and my mind was telling me it wasn't Β "real"
I froze.. then remembered everything I've been taught about mountain lion situations.Β 

I'm not saying mountain lions are blood thirsty animals. I believe mountain lion Clause is acting instinctually under unnatural circumstances. When something that powerful has you in its sight, you begin to realize where you fall in the natural balance. Β I have never felt a stronger connection to anything in my life other than my own daughter. I am so grateful to be given this opportunity to play prey for mountain lion Clause.Β 
It was an honor to be in your presence!Β 

I love you mountain lion Clause 🦁 +πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ”¬=β™ΎΒ 
Truth is stranger than fiction.Β 

looking back now, after speaking with expert's and doing some research πŸ”¬ Β I know now it was real with out a doubt in my mind. Β 

There is a reason why mountain lions are called "the ghost of the forest"

Alive for researchΒ 
🦁(Oaks) & (Acorn)😸

Coming soon..

half African lion 🦁 mixed with American mountain lion 🦁 

theory ..Β